Saturday, October 18, 2008

Goodnight, Moon.

I'm in Oklahoma for the weekend. 
I'm no longer on Tallahassee time, apparently, for I am very tired right now. 

There is a pleasant mix of Obama/McCain supporters around me. 

Over the past few days I've started noticing the comings and goings of the trains in Fort Worth. 
Something about their double stacks of faded blue, green, and red boxcars makes me feel a bit sentimental, perhaps for a life that I had no part in. I guess I feel like they have been around for a long time, and I like them. I like them even when they make me late for a lesson I'm supposed to be teaching.  I like them the most when they are on bridges, slowly rolling by, and not interfering with traffic at all.  The contrast between this antiquated looking transportation and the hurried, shiny, and often oblivious traffic around me heightens the sentiment.

Insert something HERE about a sentimental heart. 

Is it called a trestle when talking about train only bridges, or is that only if it is going over water?

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